Creative Arts as a Career Choice

Career Transitioning: Getting Back the Passion for the Creative Arts



Experts agree that doing something you love gives meaning to your life. Many people may have passions they would like to pursue, but the need to be practical often supersedes the dreams. 

Former corporate executive Alan Miller made a point of injecting his love of creative arts in his work load as often as possible, but he mirrored the actions of many stifled artists who had to put their creativity on hold to provide for their families.

“I had given up a brilliant career in the creative arts arena as a playwright, director and poet to ensure that I was providing all the best for my family. Parents are supposed to give up things for their kids,” comments Miller whose corporate career includes working for the United States Postal Service and Chrysler. “I was able to incorporate much of my creativity and vision into distinctive programs within the companies where I worked. I loved creating something from nothing and seeing the end results appreciated by numerous people. Unfortunately, I was still lacking the full platform to showcase my talents.” 

Miller, whose love of creative arts and bringing people together to showcase their talents, was program originator of Chrysler’s award-winning “Spirit in the Words” poetry contest and compilation that was a prominent event at the National Association of Black Journalists’ (NABJ) annual conference.  “While working at Chrysler, I was very interested in bringing a unique event to NABJ and to highlight the diverse talents of the journalists. Helping them to unlock the creative arts within them provided a setting for deep commentaries and entertaining poetry,” said Miller.

Most recently, Miller has been revisiting his creative arts mindset with a renewed drive and commitment to see it through. He has wrapped up a number of contemporary art pieces for a showing in Georgia, having relocated there from Detroit.   He feels that now is his time to step up his efforts to bring arts and culture to a society that is not perfect, but can still benefit from the beauty and escape that can be found in creative arts.

“People in general, but especially people of color, have to face so many challenges, losses and disappointments,” notes Miller. “I myself can reflect on the losses in my own family and how special people in my life reminded me of the career that I had given up and encouraged me to return to it.  Sometimes we get so involved in material pursuits and personal gain that we forget the importance of having a passion for something that will benefit humankind.”

  Miller is jumping into the creative arts process with both feet and a passion that has put him on multiple platforms ranging from artistic exhibitions, inspirational books and theater to expand his creative arts focus.

From art shows and book signings in Atlanta, numerous other cities and to the lights on Broadway, he is taking his talents far and wide. “The sky’s the limit and my mind is constantly generating new ideas to pursue to make this world a better place to live.”

In the face of difficult moments that Black people have faced for generations, we can still look to creative arts to provide a transition to understanding, new opportunities and maybe, an escape.

Mereday is a contributing writer for Regal Black Men’s Magazine.

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