Stop the Madness With This Jamie Foxx, Antisemitism Nonsense

(Todd A. Smith)

Go ahead and cancel Todd A. Smith because he knows that Jamie Foxx’s social media post about the betrayal of Jesus Christ and fake friends had nothing to do with antisemitism or hatred of any sort, despite the backlash the actor/singer/comedian has received.

Todd A. Smith is the first to call out someone for prejudice, racism, bigotry or any other form of discrimination.

Yes, Todd A. Smith is speaking in third person today.

It does not matter to Todd A. Smith if the bigoted person shares the same skin color, same family tree, same fraternity or same church house, the publisher of will not hesitate to call out someone’s ignorance.

However, he is also the first person to say when things are not racist and when people are going too far with their claims of discrimination.

Therefore, if Todd A. Smith calls out his own community for playing the so-called “race card,” how would he look like not calling out his brothers and sisters from the Jewish community for playing a similar card?

Antisemitism is a huge problem, just like all other forms of discrimination.

And unfortunately, antisemitism seems to be getting worse in the last couple years, just like anti-Black and anti-Asian racism seems to be getting worse.

But calling Foxx antisemitic for making a post about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, betrayal and fake friends is the most ridiculous nonsense ever uttered on social media.

Anyone with a modicum of biblical knowledge knows that Judas betrayed Jesus Christ, leading to His death.

And anyone that knows at least one Black person knows that Black people often use that betrayal as encouragement when they are betrayed by a so-called friend.

The thinking is if Judas betrayed Jesus, although Jesus is perfect and without sin, then people should not be surprised when so-called friends stab them in their backs.

That comment, and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, has nothing to do with our Jewish brothers and sisters.

It’s just a sad reality of life that sometimes the people closest to you are the ones that do you the dirtiest.

People, like Jennifer Anniston, often like or comment on social media posts about the Jesus/Judas illustration because everyone has experienced betrayal by a so-called friend.

And nothing in the world, besides betrayal by a family member, hurts so bad.

The pain might even be equal to family betrayal because a real friend is a family member that you choose.’

Therefore, many friends become like family members throughout the years.

Foxx, obviously, has dealt with a lot over the past few months with his health concerns.

So, the betrayal from a fake friend probably hit him like a ton of bricks.

But unless that friend was Jewish, and Foxx insinuated that all Jewish people were like his fake friend, what in the world does this have to do with antisemitism?

Absolutely nothing.

Even many celebrities from the Jewish community like DJ Vlad and Pauly Shore spoke out in Foxx’s defense.

People must learn to understand context and to not take things out of proportion.

Yes, hatred exists in the world.

Unfortunately, hatred is running rampant in America.

But bogus claims of hatred might lead to more animosity.

There are many who believe the antisemitic conspiracy theory that the Jewish community runs Hollywood.

Many in the Black community point to the cancellation of the original “Arsenio Hall Show” after Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan appeared on the late night talk show, Professor Griff’s dismissal from the rap group Public Enemy for making antisemitic remarks and Spike Lee having to apologize to the Jewish community after a couple of Jewish characters from “Mo’ Betta Blues” were depicted as racist towards Black musicians, as evidence.
While Professor Griff’s comments deserved no sympathy, telling Black people like Foxx that they cannot use a biblical illustration about the betrayal of a friend because some Jewish people think it is antisemitic is way too far.

When anyone tells a person what they cannot believe religiously, or whether they can speak on their religious beliefs, it has become totally out-of-hand.

Furthermore, Jesus’ ethnicity has nothing to do with what ultimately caused Judas to betray him, which led to his crucifixion and resurrection.

Jewish people did not kill Jesus.

Pontius Pilate did not kill Jesus.

Furthermore, Judas did not kill Jesus.

Our iniquities and sins killed Jesus.

Jesus was born just to die for our sins.

As a result, no one person or group is responsible.

Todd A. Smith said “our” and not just believers because every single last person on this earth has sinned against God.

Everyone has let a friend or family member down.

Everyone has come short of the glory of God, except for Jesus Christ.

Mary’s Boy.

Joseph’s Stepson.

God’s only begotten Son.

The only Person to face temptation and not succumb to that temptation.

Therefore, if perfection cannot protect a person from the pain caused by another person, then no one is exempt from it.

And that is the point Foxx made with his social media post.

Foxx should not have had to apologize for his post.

In fact, the powers-that-be that encouraged or made him apologize owe the brother from Terrell, Texas a sincere apology.

Instead of the powers-that-be rushing to get a forced apology, why not try to get an understanding of what a person has said or done that supposedly offended you so badly?

If people talked about their differences, maybe society could actually come together across racial, religious and cultural boundaries.

Foxx probably thought that Hollywood would cancel him if he did not apologize.

But forcing apologies for nothing and threatening to cancel people for expressing their opinions and beliefs, probably leads to more animosity.

It definitely does not contribute to more unity and that’s what is needed now more than ever.

Todd A. Smith
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