Alleged Killings By Kori Ali Muhammad Should Force Folks to Rethink Whether Minorities Can Be Racist



Hate Knows No Color

African-Americans cannot perpetuate the systemic racism and oppression that they have encountered in this country because they do not have the power to systemically hold any other demographic ground.

But that does not mean that members cannot meet the definition of hate, prejudice or even racism even though some in the African-American community do not feel that Blacks can be racist because of the aforementioned lack of power. gives three definitions of racism; two of which can apply to people of all races.

The first definition is “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

The second definition deals with the systemic racism that requires power, which minorities in America do not possess.  The definition reads, “a political or social system founded on racism.”

The third definition of racism, according to, is “racial prejudice or discrimination.”

Unfortunately, accused murderer Kori Ali Muhammad met two of the three definitions of racism.

Kori Ali Muhammad faces three murder charges in Fresno, Calif. for allegedly killing three White men at random because of the color of their skin.

According to the Los Angeles Times, “In a span of a few minutes Tuesday morning [April 18], Muhammad, 39, fatally shot three White men he randomly encountered while walking through the streets of Fresno, police allege.  The rampage was preceded by a deadly encounter Thursday night [April 20] at Motel 6, where police say Muhammad killed another White man—a security guard.

“Together the killings were Muhammad’s contribution to a war he believed was ongoing between White and Black men, said his father, Vincent Taylor.

While the African-American community would need many centuries to catch up with the White American community when it comes to racial prejudice, it is time for the African-American community to stop falsely resting behind the notion that minorities cannot be racist.

That mentality is adding to the increased racial animosity that America is experiencing and it is doing nothing to help the country mend the severe wounds of race relations.

Nothing African-Americans like Kori Ali Muhammad can do can ever be put in the same sentence as the hundreds of years of slavery, which is still legal in the penile system thanks to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

Nothing African-Americans like Kori Ali Muhammad can do can ever be put into the same sentence as the prison industrial complex and three strike laws.

Nothing African-Americans like Kori Ali Muhammad can do can ever be put in the same sentence as the disenfranchisement of Black voters, the crooked legal system that has denied Blacks their rights for centuries and police brutality that has beaten down poor Black people for centuries.

However, people like Kori Ali Muhammad can be just as racist as Dylann Roof.

People like Kori Ali Muhammad can be just as racist as the White men from Jasper, Texas who dragged James Byrd behind a pick up truck until his body parts ripped off in 1998.

There is definitely racism coming from members of the Black community like all communities.

The only difference in the races is that there is a belief of White supremacy from some within the White community, which is not present in minority communities.

But the same evil, hate, ignorance and racism that people from the White community have, can manifest itself in the Black community if people do not put a stop to all racial prejudice.

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