Replace Alt-Right, White Nationalism with White Supremacy



The Words of Another

In his 1996 cover of The Stylistics’ classic song “Betcha By Golly Wow,” Prince ad-libbed about how the words from another are sometimes better than one’s own original thought.

That statement was significant because Prince was once known for his original music and not being allowed to cover other musicians during his original tenure with Warner Bros. Records.

While Prince would roll over in his grave at any comparison to him from a journalist, I too like to express original thought in opinion columns.

However, the thought of many in the African-American community that the terms alt-right and White nationalist need to be permanently replaced with White supremacy is spot on.

According to The, “Julia Jones, who once worked with Donald Trump’s chief advisor Steve Bannon told the ‘New York Times’ that Bannon had once expressed to her his belief that limiting the voting rights of African-American(s) is ‘not such a bad thing.’

“The conversation stemmed from Bannon’s suggestion that voting rights be limited to property owners, Jones said.”

Jones said she does not believe Bannon is racist but he has expressed the belief that some people are genetically superior to others.

Although Jones might not think that Bannon harbors racist feelings, his comments definitely speak to the contrary.

They in fact represent the epitome of White supremacy.

The African-American community is well aware that racism and White supremacy did not cease to exist during the tenure of President Barack Obama.

However, to have someone with White supremacy beliefs as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief advisor is proof that some in the White community want to only make America great again for White Americans.

And if taking voting rights away is the way to do it, then so be it.

Limiting voting rights to property owners is akin to taking voting rights away from many minorities and many young people.

It is the same thing as literacy tests and poll taxes, which kept many African-Americans away from the polls for a century.

Furthermore, limiting the voting rights of minorities and young people limits the liberal voice in society, which has often sided on the side of civil rights for African-Americans.

While many White Americans voted for Trump because of their dislike for Secretary Hillary Clinton and conservative views on social issues like abortion, there were some as CNN political commentator Van Jones pointed out that did so out of “whitelash.”

The Ku Klux Klan was founded after African-Americans made political gains during Reconstruction.

Poll taxes and literacy tests came about to ensure that African-Americans could not sustain the momentum gained during Reconstruction.

Likewise, the alt-right, White nationalism or White supremacy movement has picked up steam because of the historic eight-year presidency of Obama and the fact that America is becoming majority minority.

Those who hold views of White supremacy can probably not stop the increase in minority citizenship in America.  But what they can do is try to strip away rights and power that Black and brown people currently have.

It is up to the African-American community and other minorities to remain vigilant over the next few years to negate the influence of White supremacy.

And if that means repeating the words of others, then that must mean that others were speaking total truth.

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