Black Lives Matter Even When Cop is Black



Justice Should Be Colorblind in More Ways Than One

Black activists never played the so-called race card when protesting against police brutality and oppression contrary to popular opinion.

Those activists who said Black Lives Matter singled out police brutality, and not so-called Black-on-Black crime, because their tax dollars do not go to regular community members to protect them. It goes to police officers who have the responsibility to protect the community.

So when Arthur Williams, an African-American police officer beat down a citizen in Baltimore, that African-American police officer rightfully received the same criticism from the community that White officers received from Black activists when they abused their power and assaulted or murdered an innocent and unarmed African-American.

The African-American cop had his fistfight captured on cell phone video.

The African-American cop received ridicule from the Black community, and appropriately received the “Donkey of the Day” from the nationally syndicated radio show, “The Breakfast Club.”

And the African-American cop is now off the force in Baltimore and possibly looking for a career outside of law enforcement.

On Aug. 11, Williams pummeled a Baltimore resident named Dashawn McGrier, with the incident being captured on cell phone video.

Williams, and another officer, were in the area working on “a crime suppression detail related to crime in the area,” said Baltimore police spokesperson T.J. Smith.

Williams encountered McGrier, questioned him and then released him.

Then Williams approached McGrier again to get his identification in order to provide him with a citizen contact sheet, which Smith said is a requirement any time police officers come in contact with a citizen during an investigation.

The length or brevity of the encounter does not matter.

A contact sheet is still a requirement.

Police said when McGrier was asked to give his identification he refused.

McGrier said, “For what?”

Williams then shoved McGrier.

“Don’t touch me,” McGrier said, pushing the officers hand away.

Then the fight ensued.

McGrier’s lawyer Warren Brown said that his client initially tried to avoid interaction with Williams because McGrier had a run-in with Williams in June, which led to McGrier’s arrest for assaulting a police officer, disorderly conduct, obstructing and hindering, and hindering arrest.

The June incident goes before a judge later this month.

“This officer has a history of antagonizing and aggravating my client,” said Brown.

Brown said that in June, McGrier tried to restrain a young woman who had an encounter with Williams.

After McGrier got into the altercation between the young woman and Williams, Brown said that Williams turned his ire to his client, grabbing McGrier and throwing him from his bicycle.

However, Baltimore Interim Police Commissioner Gary Tuggle said that the June arrest happened because of the contact McGrier made with Williams.

Furthermore, Tuggle said that McGrier never made a complaint after his June arrest. 

The criticism and complaints leveled at Williams is similar to that which some White cops have received after the killings of unarmed African-Americans.

However, the complaints from Black activists were never just about the skin color of the police officers, but the fact the victims often seem to be of the same skin color.

Nevertheless, a problem still exists when it comes to holding bad police officers accountable for bad decisions and bad behavior.

Many Black activists spoke out against the senseless beat down of the Baltimore resident.

Many Black citizens recorded video of the hard-to-watch physical altercation.

And many Black celebrities like Charlemagne tha God from “The Breakfast Club” criticized the officer for his unnecessary action.

However, what has yet to be seen at Regal Mag press time, are the activists from Blue Lives Matter speaking up in defense of the actions of this former African-American police officer.

When Black Lives Matter activists speak out after another unarmed African-American man loses his life, Blue Lives Matter people are quick to point out how dangerous the job of police officers are.

Blue Lives Matter activists make excuses for why the officer, who is usually White, had justification to kill an unarmed African-American.

And many say that the White officer feared for his or her life.

But where are those same excuses when it comes to this former Baltimore police officer?

Does his blue life not matter?

Maybe, he felt his life was in danger.

Or maybe, it is not the Black Lives Matter activists playing the race card all of the time.

It might be the detractors and critics of Black Lives Matter who are guiltier of playing that ole race card and just cannot admit it.

No one is saying that all police officers abuse their power and are guilty of police brutality.

No one is saying that police work is not extremely dangerous because it definitely is and we respect those who protect and serve.

No one is saying that all police officers are racist or all White police officers are racist.

All Black people and Black activists are saying is that all people should be treated the same, including police officers.

If White officers should be able to assault Black residents because they fear for their lives, why is that excuse not applicable to Black police officers that find themselves in hot water because they assaulted or killed someone in the line of duty?

If Blue Lives Matter speaks up for White cops that find themselves in hot water, then Blue Lives Matter activists and supporters should do the same for their Black counterparts.

If Black Lives Matter, Black celebrities, leaders and citizens were only playing the race card, Williams would not have received such vitriol from the Black community.

Black people just want to be treated with the same dignity as everyone else.

We do not want to be killed or assaulted f0r no reason by the people that we pay through our tax dollars to serve and protect us.

It does not matter what color the perpetrator is.

Wrong is wrong and right is right.

And like all people and groups, cops are not right all the time and they are not wrong all of the time.

But when they are in the wrong, all we ask is that people admit their mistakes and faults and try like you know what not to make the same mistakes again.

Is that playing the race card or is that common sense and common decency?

In actuality, Black Lives Matter never played the race card.

They played the common courtesy card.

What’s so wrong with that?

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