All Testimonies Include Never Giving Up




Don’t Quit

The inspirational poem “Don’t You Quit” reads, “When things go wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, when the funds run low and the debts are high, and you want to smile, but you have to sigh, when care is pressing you down a bit, rest if you must but do not quit.”

Although perseverance is required for success, actually persevering through difficult times is often easier said than done.

A wise person once said that if a person wants to make God laugh then that person should tell God his or her plans.

Many people have dreams and aspirations of great success and great wealth.

When people are younger, many think that the road to success is easy and guaranteed.

However, as people grow older, many realize that things rarely go as planned and the true success stories in life are those who pick themselves up after disappointment and continued the fight until those dreams were ultimately fulfilled.

When launched, I can vividly remember telling my mother that online magazines are virtually guaranteed to succeed because they mostly consist of free content and all publishers have to do is build it and people would come.

Over a decade later, publishing a successful online magazine becomes more difficult everyday with technology changing constantly.

Advertising is hard to acquire, especially for small media companies, making it difficult to accomplish a company’s goals.

When my talk show “Regal Roundtable” signed to a television network, I thought that Regal Media Group, LLC had finally arrived and hit pay dirt.

Unfortunately, the network is still struggling to get off the ground leaving “Regal Roundtable” in limbo.

Nevertheless, what I have found is that in struggle God can use you for His kingdom just as much as He can use your success for His kingdom.

I often ask God to use me for His glory. 

While Regal has not reached my worldly and superficial goals as of yet, I am amazed how many people have been inspired by my struggle and testimony.

Many people have told me that they were inspired not to give up because I have not given up.

Many people have been inspired to begin their own companies when others would not hire them.

Many people have been inspired and enlightened by the words on

And many people have been given opportunities, as writers and on-air talent that they might not have been given if it were not for Regal Media Group.

However, the most important reason for not giving up is the desire to not have regrets at the end of the day.

Wouldn’t you regret it if you realized God had all of these blessings for you if you had just believed and never given up?

Often people work on their own timelines and not God’s timeline, which is a crucial mistake.

Sometimes we want our dreams to come true in five years, when God would have exceeded your dreams if you would have hung in there for six or seven years.

Many people give up when the money is low; not knowing an increase is just around the corner.

And many people give up, not knowing that someone in a high place is watching your progress and is waiting to give you your big break.

So when things do not go the way you dreamed, wake up dust yourself and keep going.

The aforementioned poem concludes with, “Success is failure turned inside out—the silver tint in the clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are, it might be near when it seems afar; so stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—it’s when things seem worse that you must not quit.”

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