Do’s and Don’ts of 2014 Fall Male Fashion

Following the designs of Tom Ford is always a good thing when it comes to fashion, regardless of the season (Photo Credit: AP Photo).

Fellas, Fall in Line

          Men, you have probably heard the women in your life talk about not wearing white after Labor Day and you’ve probably paid no attention to her.

          If it is clean, or even not so clean, we will wear it and not think anything of it.

          However, it is 2014 and women expect a little more from us so it is time that we fall in line and dress for the season.

 gives men the dos and don’ts of dressing for fall 2014.

·        Put your white linen pants (and all linen) to the back of your closet

·        Put away all pastel colors

·        A clean white dress shirt is always OK despite the season

·        It’s too cold to wear sandals if it’s autumn

·        Stick to neutral colors with a splash of spring colors (i.e. brown and orange; tan and light blue)

·        Scarves, especially Burberry scarves, can make a suit look perfect if worn correctly (i.e. not wrapped around the neck); “mankets” (or male blankets) are even in style believe it or not

·        Varsity jackets are in style

·        Designers like Tom Ford have grown fond of the black and white look this fall (all black outfits with white trim)

·        Oversized gym bags are a thing this fall

·        Turtle necks are back

·        Brown evening wear for black tie events

·        Felt fedoras are a must to complete your professional ensemble

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