Rock Blue Suit This Summer or Feel the Blues


Actor Morris Chestnut rocks the light blue suit and crisp white shirt at the BET Awards on June 28 (Photo Credit: Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP).


Don’t Feel the Blues, Wear the Blues

Summer 2015 is officially the summer of blue for men’s suits.

True, navy blue is not traditionally seen as a summer color, but what are rules if they are not meant to be broken?

This summer it is all about the blue suit, from light blue to royal blue and even navy blue!

Fellas, if you are not rocking the blue suit this summer, you might as well have the blues.

Even if you are rocking the blue suit, you still have to follow the rules below to avoid feeling the low-down, dirty blues during this extremely hot summer.

So follow the Regal rules and step your suit game up!

Blue suits are in from light blue to navy blue

Light blue suits work best with crisp white shirt

Slim fitting suits are still in style, but some are opting for suits with a little more room

Always get a cuff in your slacks

Add accessories like pocket squares and lapel flowers

Lapel flowers are great with a V-neck shirt but can be worn with a full suit as well

The key with pocket squares is to compliment the shirt and tie.  Pocket squares shouldn’t be a carbon copy of shirt and tie.

Wear colorful designed socks when not wearing a tie

Stick to solid socks when wearing a tie

Always, always, always match your belt with your shoes


Think bold colors with accessories


Add something to make your look unique

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