Fedoras: The Must Have Gift for Father’s Day 2014

Nick Cannon rocks a fedora at the 2014 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards National Ceremony at Carnegie Hall on May 6 (Photo Credit: Stuart Ramson/Invision for Alliance for Young Artists & Writers/AP).


Fedoras: The Perfect Father’s Day Gift for 2014

            Father’s Day is fast approaching and if you are anything like me you are sick of your father’s closet looking the same way it did in the 1980s.  Different styles have come and gone, but his wardrobe has not come and gone unfortunately.

          Luckily, 30 is the new 20 and old fashion is once again current fashion.

          Thanks to entertainers like Nick Cannon and Justin Timberlake, sophistication is once again important to the younger generation, and the Rat Pack look of Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr., with fedoras are an inexpensive way to have your father look the part, and will give him something to break the monotony of the usual Father’s Day gifts.

RegalMag.com gives tips for buying an affordable fedora and tips on the right way to wear your new hat.

1) Many fedoras will cost less than $50.

2)    100% beaver fur felt fedoras cost over $100.

3)    Always tip your hat when you see a lady, a funeral pass or you pass a church.

4)    Men should remove their hats when in church.

5)    Smaller brim looks more refined.

6)    You don’t have to wear a suit to wear a fedora.  They look good with long-sleeved button-up shirts and even polo’s.  However, don’t wear a fedora with a t-shirt.  You must have a collared shirt to wear a fedora.

7)    Don’t tilt your fedora sideways or up.  Wear it on top of your head and don’t let the brim cover your eyes.  You want to look refined, not mysterious or shy.

8)    Fedoras should frame your eyes, not hide your face.

9)    Position hat straight on your head.  The hat should be centered on your head, and brim should be parallel with your eyebrows and perpendicular to the bridge of your nose.  Should tip down no further than your eyebrows.

10)                       Less is more.  Avoid necklaces and other unnecessary accessories when wearing a fedora.

11)                       Looks good with trench coat if your job does not require you to wear a blazer.

12)                       Hat should match nearly perfectly with jacket or contrast to some degree.

13)                       No feathers in the hat (specifically for the older gentleman!).

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