Movie Review: Attack on Religion Not Only Sin for ‘Sausage Party’


Grits (Craig Robinson), Firewater (Bill Hader), Twink (Scott Diggs Underworld) (L-R) in Columbia Pictures’ “Sausage Party” (2016 CTMG, Inc./Sony Pictures Entertainment).



The Book of Seth 




It had to eventually happen.

Stars like Tyler Perry and Kirk Cameron have used their art to preach sermons on Christianity, so the next logical step had to be non-believers pushing their beliefs on film.

So while “Sausage Party” might prove offensive to some people of faith because it makes fun of people with strong beliefs, the real sin is not the unbelief.

The real sin of Seth Rogen’s preachy sermon also known as “Sausage Party” is that it is not very funny.  It is clever, but quite juvenile and that is coming from a Rogen fan.

And while Perry films might have been upsetting to non-Christians, at least characters like Madea (Perry), Uncle Joe (Perry) and Mr. Brown (David Mann) were actually funny despite the sermon.

“Sausage Party” is an animated adult film that is not just sexually perverse, but overly questions doubts some have about organized religion.

The products in the grocery store, which can talk and sing, have no clue what their purpose in life is.

When the gods (or humans) purchase the products, they think they have been chosen for the Great Beyond, which is an eternity in heavenly bliss.

The grocery store items believe that if they live a life of purity and avoid worldly temptation, they will earn the reward of acceptance into the Great Beyond.

However, when the honey mustard is purchased close to the Fourth of July and he experiences the real world for a bit before being returned to the store for regular mustard, he tries to warn his peers that the Great Beyond is a great joke and lie.

Many choose not to believe the honey mustard, but others like Frank the sausage (Rogen) want proof before they put their faith into some ideal.

“Sausage Party” concludes with a sermon on how “religious” rules are outdated and how everyone should live as they choose without fear of what happens in death.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong about Rogen using his talents to express his beliefs because many artists do the same thing.

The problem with “Sausage Party” is that it might upset people who believe differently than Rogen because he mocks religious beliefs.

He tries to make a statement explaining that his character was wrong to overly criticize the beliefs of others but the whole film was about criticizing people’s beliefs.

And as mentioned, “Sausage Party” was not very funny despite a few humorous moments.

One positive thing about “Sausage Party” is that it is equally disagreeable to all demographics and not just the religious community.

When one is displeasing to all groups, they can usually get away with anything in a comedy.

Mr. Grits (Craig Robinson) is mad at the crackers.

The Mexican food products are called illegal products.

But offensive is just offensive when it is not funny and “Sausage Party” is not very funny, only childish.

Despite the tone of the film, Rogen is justified for expressing his beliefs because all beliefs need an equal platform in media.

Maybe Rogen and people like Bill Maher have stumbled on a lucrative genre of films to rival their religious counterparts.


The more the merrier.






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