Tubman on $20 Bill; But Who Should Appear on $5 Bill?


In this Aug. 31, 2015 file photo, a woman holds a sign supporting Harriet Tubman for the $20 bill during a town hall meeting at Women’s Rights National Historic Park in Seneca Falls, N.Y. (Photo Credit: AP Photo/Carolyn Thompson, File).


Five to Consider for the $5 Bill

Ain’t God good?

Won’t He do it?

Eight years ago, America celebrated the first African-American president in President Barack Obama.

Eight years later, America celebrates the first African-American and second woman (former First Lady Martha Washington briefly adorned a $1 bill in 1886 according to the San Francisco Chronicle) on United States currency, with abolitionist leader Harriet Tubman replacing President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill as early as 2020.

Now the word is that civil rights leaders will soon adorn the back of the $5 bill.

With that possibility, RegalMag.com wants to recommend five people, some iconic and some not as iconic, for consideration.

Let us know who should be on our list and who should not.

Regardless, the decision is one that will be a no-lose situation.

Martin Luther King, Jr.—Civil rights leader who led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, March on Washington and was president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC); Nobel Peace Prize winner

Medgar Evers—Civil rights leader; Mississippi state field secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); led the Jackson Movement in 1962 staging many successful boycotts

Ralph Abernathy—Held leadership position during the Montgomery Bus Boycott; took over SCLC after King’s assassination; presided over the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C.

James Lawson—Civil rights leader who introduced the Gandhian techniques of nonviolence to many civil rights leaders in the 1960s; was a mentor to the Nashville Student Movement and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)


Fannie Lou Hamer—Civil rights leader; field secretary for (SNCC) working for voter registration for Blacks and organizer of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

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