Introducing Rep. Tim Ryan


Approximately 20 Democratic presidential hopefuls are attempting to remove President Donald Trump from the White House in 2020.


Getting to Know Rep. Tim Ryan

Former Vice President Joe Biden does not have a fan in Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio).

Rep. Ryan does not believe that the Democratic presidential frontrunner has the stamina to bring down the administration of President Donald Trump.


Referencing Biden’s recent appearance on “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert, Ryan said, “It’s not like I said something that a lot of people aren’t thinking or he wouldn’t have went on Colbert to talk about it. So this is an issue. We have to be honest with each other. There’s so much at stake in this election. We can’t just put somebody up there who can’t beat Donald Trump, whether it’s on the issues or on the issues of energy or lack of clarity.”


Disparaging Biden because of his age has not worked well for Democratic presidential candidates like former HUD Secretary Julian Castro.


Biden is currently 76 years old, while Ryan is 30 years his junior.


Ryan’s campaign manager Erick Sanchez says that the presidential candidate loves and admires the former vice president under President Barack Obama.


However, many Biden critics point to his history of making gaffes and the fact that his gaffes might hurt him against Trump.


“We all make gaffes, but what American people truly care about in this race is lifting up our country for hardworking families and protection from our biggest threats, both domestic and international,” Sanchez said. “No matter who our candidate is, we gotta undo all the damage this incompetent president has done since taking office.”


Not giving President Trump much credit in the category of energy either, Ryan also has taken aim at the commander-in-chief for a lack of stamina.


“Well, let me just say that I think President Trump is declining,” Ryan said. “He’s very forgetful. He’s not as sharp. He’s lost a lot in the last couple of years.


“We’ve got to make sure that we send someone to take down Donald Trump who can articulate a very clear vision for the country in a very forceful and firm way and do it in all 50 states all over the country.”


What distinguishes Ryan from some of the Democratic presidential favorites is his middle of the road Midwestern upbringing.


Although candidates like Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar hail from the Midwest, Buttigieg’s policies might seem too liberal for moderate Democrats.


And unfortunately, many still might scoff at a woman president, even in 2020.


Though Ryan’s candidacy has not made a dent, he hopes that promising to bring jobs back to the Midwest might make him attractive to voters who feel that Trump reneged on his promises to bring back factory jobs to middle America.


Ryan can boast of strong relationships with unions and organized labor in his Ohio district.


“There’s so much change—globalization, automation, cultural—I don’t really think either party has really wrapped their arms around all of these dynamics and put a cohesive message together,” Ryan said. “Trump obviously did it in a concise way, but he hasn’t delivered on any of that stuff. He promised, but he kind of got what the main problem was, but no solution anywhere near helping solve these problems.”

With United Auto Workers (UAW) striking this week and teachers striking in the not too distant past, Ryan hopes that his message to build the economy will resonate with American voters.

Via his 2020 presidential campaign website, Ryan said, “Autoworkers have watched their jobs go overseas. Teachers are striking for higher wages and better working conditions. Hardworking men and women across the country are fighting for the same thing—to earn a living wage for a hard day’s work. With factories closing, wages not growing, and healthcare costs rising, the American Dream is out of reach for way too many…

“There was a time when government championed growth and entrepreneurship. The government can do that again. We can build an economy that inspires. One that invests in entrepreneurship. The government can and should protect the worker. Together we can build an economy that works for everyone. Where workers are cut in on the deal and actually benefit from the economic gains they help create.”

The striking General Motors (GM) autoworkers want more secure jobs and a cut of GM’s record profits.

In addition to the UAW strike, climate change took center stage in the news with the devastating floods that touched Texas this week.

Many scientists believe that climate change increases the likelihood of these once in a generation storms and floods.

Ryan not only wants to address climate change.

He wants to reverse climate change.

Also this week, Trump made headlines by attempting to reverse emissions standards for automobiles set by California.

Scientists believe that car emissions have an impact on climate change as well.

“As president, I will rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement,” Ryan said via his campaign website. “Republicans are rejecting science as it stands. They’re rolling back protections already put in place. Every other country around the world is making real strategic investments in carbon emissions reduction and clean energy technology.

“We’re not. The United States’ inaction is unacceptable. We must show greater leadership through strong, decisive action. That means committing to a future that is 100 percent carbon free and laying out a pragmatic, Earth-friendly energy policy to get us there.”

However, Ryan might not get to implement his plans from the Oval Office seeing that he failed to make last week’s debate at Texas Southern University in Houston.

As a result, he held a fundraiser for his 2020 congressional campaign.

Yes, Ryan currently has two political campaigns running simultaneously.

But never fear because Ryan is young.


And although he does not think Biden and Trump have the stamina to get the job done, he obviously thinks he has enough energy for two.

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