Allegations Against Stars Like Deshaun Watson, R. Kelly Do Not Always Equal Conspiracy



Chickens Coming Home to Roost Do Not Equal Conspiracy

Like many Houston area journalists, I have avoided the Deshaun Watson drama for as long as possible because of the legal ramifications that might befall this publication if Watson was to be defamed in anyway.

Even as a public figure, the disgruntled Houston Texans quarterback would have to prove that was malicious in damaging his reputation if he were to win a defamation suit against us.

Regardless, the high bar to prove defamation is not worth adding fuel to the fire, especially since I am not privy to the evidence.

But the Watson drama should prove to young star athletes and entertainers that they really need to keep their circle small because even if a person does everything right, they can still become the victim of someone looking for a pay day.

However, if the allegations are true, Watson has permanently ruined his clean-cut image.

Furthermore, the fact that he has promised to never play for the Houston Texans again will seem petty because he might not play for any National Football League (NFL) team for quite some time.

First and foremost, if Watson is guilty, he should be held accountable for his behavior.

But if he did not commit the alleged sexual assaults, he is the victim of the biggest conspiracy that I can remember in my lifetime.

However, this op-Ed is more about those who believe in conspiracy theories than it is about Watson.

A few years ago when sexual assault allegations began to surface by the boatload about Bill Cosby, many in the African-American community believed the media and American society sought to destroy an innocent but powerful African-American man.

Some conspiracy theorists falsely believed that since Cosby tried to purchase the NBC television network in the early 1990s, the White man had been plotting his demise ever since.

To conspiracy theorists, the White man had waited almost 30 years to destroy Cosby for being uppity enough to attempt to purchase a major television network.

However, a person with common sense would have thought that if NBC did not want to sell to Cosby or any other African-American man, they could have just turned down his offer.

And that is what NBC did in the early 1990s.

General Electric eventually bought NBC.

Many conspiracy theorists said the same thing about statutory rape charges against superstar musician, R. Kelly.

Why was the White man coming for these powerful African-American men when the Harvey Weinsteins of the world roamed free?

Many complained that Cosby sat in a prison before Weinstein even appeared in court to face charges, ignoring the fact that Cosby and Weinstein faced charges in different jurisdictions with different rules and laws.

The comparison was like comparing apples to oranges.

But what those conspiracy theorists failed to realize is that sexual assault allegations have existed against Cosby since probably the 1960s.

R. Kelly had been accused of statutory rape since the early 1990s and even dropped subliminal hints in his music like calling little Aaliyah cute and calling himself the Pied Piper of R&B.

The pied piper was a child predator who used his music to lure children away.

Those children were never to be seen again.

Even Cosby made jokes about giving women Quaaludes during his comedy bits from past decades.

What happened with Cosby and Kelly was that because they were rich, powerful and influential, they got away with their crimes for decades.

Those two brothers were not the victims of some racist witch-hunt.

Actually, they experienced a privilege that most African-Americans never get to enjoy.

What happened to them is that they just had to deal with chickens coming home to roost, and the fact that everything done in the dark eventually comes to light.

Some in the African-American community have to realize that we are people just like people of other races.

We make some of the same mistakes.

We have some of the same character flaws.

And unfortunately, some of our heroes do things that break the law.

Therefore, when their dirty laundry gets aired out it is not always the White man trying to destroy a brother or sister.

It might just be necessary punishment for their sins.

And many Americans as a whole need to realize that we do not know these celebrities that some wrongfully idolize.

I often say we never really knew Cosby.

We knew Heathcliff Huxtable because many watched “The Cosby Show” faithfully in the 1980s to the early 1990s.

However, Heathcliff Huxtable was a fictional creation by Cosby and the writers and producers of “The Cosby Show.”

Cosby was not Huxtable.

Therefore, people should not have been surprised by his fall from grace because rumors about his true character have been known since before I started breathing.

On the other hand, Kelly has been associated with pedophilia since he married the underage Aaliyah in 1994, so “miss me” with those conspiracy theories and allegations of racism.

If Cosby and Kelly had been regular brothers on the streets, they would have been under the prison decades ago, so racism did not adversely affect these brothers.

Their criminal behavior did.

So while Watson had a pristine image before the allegations of sexual assault, many of us do not know him as a person.

Often, publicists, agents and the organization that the celebrity represents carefully construct the image of a celebrity.

And when that image is exposed, race is not the cause for their demise.

A flawed person is the cause.

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